Ports and Terminals

Ratinho Junior’s millionaire investment plan on Paranagua Port

Feb, 14, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202308

The Governor of Paraná, Ratinho Jr, announces in the next few days the investment of 592 million reais in a new railway structure to expand the cargo reception capacity in the Port of Paranaguá.

The structure will have almost 600,000 square meters, enough for the simultaneous unloading of 180 wagons in three independent lines, which will allow a 63% increase in unloading capacity, going from 550 to 900 wagons a day.

The expectation is that over 24 million tons of grains and bran leave annually through Paranaguá, expanding from 14.9% to 50% the participation of the rail modal in the transport of cargo that passes through the port.

The work will also save 30% on transport costs, reduce environmental impacts with 73% less CO2 emitted and improve traffic in the region, with fewer crossings between the railway line and streets.

Source: Veja

To read the original report, visit: https://veja.abril.com.br/coluna/radar/o-milionario-plano-de-investimentos-de-ratinho-jr-no-porto-de-paranagua/

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