Ports and Terminals

Record cargo movement marks start of 2024 for Brazil’s Portos do Paraná

Feb, 26, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202409

Portos do Paraná initiated 2024 with yet another record in cargo throughput. A total of 5,064,683 tonnes passed through the ports in Paraná state throughout January, marking a 20% increase compared to the same period last year (4,207,257 t) and a record high compared to previous years.

“The performance of the ports in Paraná results from various factors, including their strategic location, modern infrastructure, and efficient management,” stated Luiz Fernando Garcia, CEO of Portos do Paraná.

Exports, particularly sugar and soybeans, took prominence. Sugar exports reached 74,491 tonnes in January, marking a 188% growth compared to last year (25,824 t). The flow of sugar in grains also surged, with Portos do Paraná recording 425,001 tonnes this year compared to 188,064 t in 2023 (a 126% increase).

As for soybeans, figures rose from 445,251 tonnes in 2023 to 932,247 tonnes in 2024 (a 109% growth). In terms of imports, fertilizers saw a 27% increase, climbing from 661,759 tonnes in 2023 to 842,816 tonnes in 2024.

Currently, China stands as the largest exporter through Paraná’s ports. According to data from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services, revenues from foreign markets reached US$ 1.82 billion (R$ 9.01 billion) in the first month of the year, marking a 29.2% increase compared to January 2023 (US$ 1.41 billion or R$ 6.98 billion).

Portos do Paraná set another record in 2023, moving 65,393,256 tonnes. This figure is the highest ever achieved in the institution’s history, which began in 1935. The previous record was 58,399,284 tons moved in 2022, representing a 12% increase.

The chart below compares exports and imports at the Port of Paranagua between Jan 2022 and Dec 2023. The data is from DataLiner.

Exports and Imports | Port of Paranagua | Jan 2022 – Dec 2023 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

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