
Record-high US trade deficit

Nov, 07, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202142

The US trade balance deficit reached $80.9 billion in September, its highest level in history, with exports falling sharply, while imports continued to rise despite the country’s supply chain and port problems.

The September deficit surpassed the previous record of $73.2 billion in June, the Commerce Department reported yesterday. The deficit is the difference between the value of US exports and imports with the rest of the world.

In September, US exports plunged 3% to US$207.6 billion, while imports increased 0.6% to US$288.5 billion. Goods exports fell sharply, by 4.7%, to $142 billion, while goods imports increased by 0.8% to $240.9 billion, a record high.

See below a history of cargo movement between Brazil and the US from 2019 onwards. Data are from DataLiner:

Exports and Imports between Brazil and the United States | Jan 2019 to Sep 2021 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

Part of the fragility was reflected in the 15.5% retraction in oil exports linked to the deactivation of prospecting platforms and refineries during the passage of Hurricane Ida through the Gulf of Mexico. Economists predict that this decrease will be reversed in the coming months with the resumption of oil production.

Source: Valor Econômico

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