Porto de Concepción del Uruguay
Ports and Terminals

Record rice shipment at Port of Concepcíon del Uruguay

Apr, 22, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201917

The Port of Concepcíon del Uruguay, Argentina, has exported a record amount of rice in bulk in a single shipment, at around 24,000 tons. Usually, the port handles a maximum of 12,000 tons of rice in bulk and on average 6,000 tons in a single shipment.

The port engaged in a 24-hour process to be able to load all the rice onto the Liberian flagged vessel, Nordic Stavanger. Bound for Costa Rica, Nordic Stavanger was the seventh vessel to call at the port of Concepcíon del Uruguay in the first 100 days of this year. Five of the previous ships set sail for China with pine logs, and one with rice to Iraq.

The following AIS map from Marine Traffic shows the vessel’s projected route:

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