Exportações brasileiras de açúcar
Sugar and Ethanol

Record sugar shipment volume handled at Port of Paranaguá

Jun, 04, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201924


The Port of Paranaguá recorded a record bulk sugar shipment loading via berth 204. The Caravos Glory vessel from the Marshall Islands (Oceania) shipped 58,175 tons to the Middle East. Average shipments are usually between 40-45,000 tons.

According to Paraná Port Operations (Pasa), no extra measures were needed as the appropriate equipment was already available for the size of the operation. It informed that average loading capacity at the berth is 1,300 tons per hour.

According to Luiz Teixeira da Silva Júnior, Director of Pasa, what makes the operation even more interesting is the fact that for this shipment, the cargo was received at the terminal exclusively by rail. This year, the company has already handled almost 518,000 tons via berth 204. In 2018, this figure was around 2.1 million tons. The company also works with the grain. In 2018, a total of 3.3 million tons of sugar were handled by Paraná’s ports.

Cargo theft drops 80% in Paranaguá

More news on Paranaguá is that cargo theft resulting from operations in which criminals sabotage products transported by truck to the port, reduced by 80% in the last quarter. This is the result of all security forces working in the region.

The number of incidents dropped from 21 in March – before the forces started working together – to only 4 in May. Thefts from truck drivers fell from 11 incidents to 6 during the same period.

The following Dataliner chart shows sugar exports via the Port of Paranaguá from January 2015 to April 2019:

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