Trade Regulations

Reduced Import Tax for 23 more products

Jun, 11, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202125

GECEX (the executive management committee ), a collegiate nucleus of CAMEX (the foreign trade chamber of the Ministry of Economy), reduced import tariffs on another 23 products for supply reasons, under the terms of Mercosur Common Market Group Resolution No. 49/19.

The changes in the import tax cover items listed in Resolution No. 197, published this Wednesday, June 9th, in the official federal register. The measure allows for tax relief on goods in order to ensure a normal and fluid supply.

The list includes products such as agricultural inputs, equipment for energy generators, chemical inputs, printing inks, contact lenses, and others. In these cases, the products had import tariff reductions to 0% or 2% for up to 365 days due to shortages, according to quotas and deadlines established in the resolution.

Click here to see the products covered by the resolution: 324771274

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