Ports and Terminals

Reversing loop at Port of Santos scheduled for completion in 2026

Nov, 22, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202343

The construction of the reversing loop, considered a strategic logistical solution, is beginning to take shape at the Port of Santos. The new private lessee of the Internal Railway of the Port of Santos (Fips) will build the infrastructure in the area currently occupied by the Marimex terminal. The construction site is already being set up near Canal do Mercado, and completion is scheduled for early 2026.

The reversing loop comprises a circular rail track that enables cargo transshipment without disassembling trains. The Port Authority of Santos (APS) and Marimex signed an agreement that established an exchange of sorts to make the structure’s construction feasible. The company will provide an area of 102 thousand square meters and receive one of the same size from the old Teval, where it will be transferred.

Fips reported that “procedures for starting the work have already begun — with a mobilized contractor and a construction site being implemented.”

The reversing loop yard is one of the structural works provided for in the Fips lease agreement, in effect since October 1. Aside from the new rail asset, the railway yard between Canal 4 and Ponta da Praia is being built, with three railway tracks serving cellulose terminals, viaducts to eliminate level crossings and pedestrian walkways.

Construction timeline

The lessee has already presented a construction schedule to the Port Authority. “The Managing Association of the Internal Railway of the Port of Santos (AG-Fips) submitted the program respecting all the deadlines stipulated in the contract. APS will analyze the information sent in the next two months.”

For APS President Anderson Pomini, railway expansion is crucial for the companies located in the Port of Santos, considering that the railway capacity of the port complex is close to saturation — with a 94% utilization rate.

“I see the Fips management committed to leading this expansion, prioritizing works that will add immediate value to operations and community safety,” said Pomini.


Fips President João Almeida stated that the company “will continue to value and implement the best solutions for the community in terms of the Port and City relationship, and this will happen both in operation-related works and in projects that have social interest with safety for the population – such as the construction of pedestrian walkways – thus adding value and resolving the road-rail conflict.”

Source: A Tribuna

Click here to read the original article in Portuguese: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/pera-ferroviaria-do-porto-de-santos-esta-prevista-para-2026

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