Exportações arroz 1º trimestre

Rice exports from Brazil rebound in the first half of 2022

Jul, 20, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202229

Despite the negative impacts of the covid-19 pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine on the global economy, the rice trade balance showed rice exports from Brazil in June, the first half of the year, and the commercial year (July 2021 – June 2022).

Such positive results support the thesis that the foreign trade of rice will only improve in the coming months, assessed the Brazilian Rice Industry Association (Abiarroz), based on the economic sector’s figures provided by the Ministry of Economy.

In June, rice shipments (husk base) totaled 131.3 thousand tonnes, equivalent to US$ 36.9 million, 73% of which was processed. In the same month of 2021, foreign sales of the cereal totaled 70,200 tonnes, with sales of US$ 22.3 million. In quantity, points out Abiarroz, there was an increase of more than 80% and around 60% in revenue.

Rice in H1 2022

In the first half of 2022, rice exports from Brazil 689.2 thousand tonnes of the product (bark base), representing US$ 199.3 million. From January to June last year, 475,900 t were shipped, with foreign exchange of US$ 157.4 million, informs Abiarroz.

In the commercial year (July 2021 to July 2022), rice exports reached 1.35 million t, with a revenue of US$400 million. In the previous 12 months (July 2020 to June 2021), foreign sales reached 1.33 million t, equivalent to US$ 394.5 million.

June imports

Also, according to Abiarroz, imports of the cereal last month totaled 106,300 t, representing US$ 30.7 million. In the same month of 2021, purchases of the product by the Brazilian market totaled 86.8 thousand t, equivalent to US$ 27.6 million.

Source: Dourados News

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.douradosnews.com.br/agro-e-news/exportacoes-de-arroz-se-recuperam-no-1o-semestre-diz-abiarroz/1188408/

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