Ports and Terminals

Rio de Janeiro port begins testing night maneuvers along the Cotunduba Canal

Apr, 22, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202018

After several tests were done during the day, on Monday (20/04) tests began of night maneuvers for container vessels entering and exiting the Cotunduba Canal –  the main waterway access to the Port of Rio de Janeiro. The ramp-up, which is the transition process to receive larger ships in a progressive manner, will continue until the completion of four maneuvers, two of which are incoming and two of which are leaving, which should occur until the first half of May. The forecast is that the channel will be operational for safe night navigation this semester.

According to the CEO of Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro (CDRJ), Francisco Antonio de Magalhães Laranjeira, with safe navigation at night, loading and unloading operations will be made possible at night, which will provide greater competitiveness for the port’s terminals: “We estimate a reduction in waiting time by approximately 8 hours to approximately 50% of the port calls in Rio de Janeiro, which will represent a decrease in the ‘Custo Brasil’ (cost of doing business in Brazil).”

This improvement in the making was made possible by a partnership between CDRJ and the leasing companies ICTSI Rio, MultiRio, and Triunfo Logística, which operate terminals at Rio de Janeiro Port. The entire project was developed by a Working Group (GT) led by the Port Authority, through the VTMIS Manager (Vessel Traffic Management and Information System), Marcelo Villas-Bôas, and with participation from representatives of the leasing companies involved.

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