Ports and Terminals

Rio Grande Port maintenance dredging 98% complete

Jan, 03, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202002

According to the port authority of the ports of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, 98% of the Rio Grande Port access channel maintenance dredging is complete.

Hydrographic surveys conducted at the site indicate that more than 15.4 million cubic meters of sediment have been cleared from the channel. About 180,000 cubic meters remain to be dredged, mainly in the external channel stretches outside Barra do Rio Grande. Dredging the Rio Grande Port is the Federal Government’s responsibility and it is almost done, with the only remaining step being the inspections and bathymetries. The agreement was signed in 2015 and work began in 2018. Its completion is expected in the early days of January.

Upon completing of the works, the Brazilian Navy will have to approve the 14.5 meter draft of the superport area, which will provide greater safety for port manoeuvres and will enable larger ships to call at the port.

Summary of the Year

Up to the month of November, the Rio Grande Port recorded 38.2 million tons of throughput. The main cargo moved was soy (both beans and meal), which reached more than 14.3 million tons.

The main destination was China, with 59.6% of all exports – the main products moved were: soybeans, cellulose, wood chips, wood and glycerin. On imports, Algeria was the main origin, with 11.2% of total imports. The main imported products were: Crude Oil, Urea and Phosphate.

“We will have a slight decrease of about 4% in Rio Grande’s total throughput, however, our highlights were pulp which grew by 7.2% surpassing 3.2 million tons, phosphate, that rose by 6.4%, tobacco products, with an increase of 30.1% and wheat with a 38% increase ”, said the Head of Port Management, Fernando Estima. Final 2019 data is expected to be ready on January 15.

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