Ports and Terminals

Roadblocks cause loss to cargo throughput in the Port of Itajaí

Nov, 04, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202244

The Itajaí port complex announced that roadblocks caused a sudden drop in the movement of trucks transporting export and import cargo. On November 1st and 2nd, out of 501 planned operations, only 85 were successfully completed.

At the Port of Itajaí, which has berths managed by Maersk’s APM Terminals and public berths, 416 trucks did not complete the journey to the port on the first couple of days of November.

According to municipal administration data, 311 vehicle entries were planned for either import or export of cargo on the 1st, but only 76 occurred.

On the 2nd, there should have been 190 cargo operations, but until noon, only nine had taken place.

APM Terminals reported that it expected the arrival of 220 cargo loads, but only 25 took place. APMT explained it is not possible to measure the financial loss as of yet because it does not know whether or not the retained loads will resume voyage in the next few days.

Portonave in Navegantes confirmed, without citing figures, that the terminal’s entrances and exits were reduced but that the operation remained relatively normal.

Source: Diarinho.net

To read the full original article, please go to: https://diarinho.net/materia/639130/Porto-de-Itajai-registra-prejuizos-em-movimentacao-de-cargas-em-dois-dias-de-bloqueios–

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