RS, FURG and Sintermar ports sign a MoU for a Traffic Control System at the access channel to the Port of Rio Grande
Jul, 27, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202130
On July 22nd, a protocol of intentions was signed to elaborate a system that allows the complete monitoring of port activities in the Port of Rio Grande access channel.
The Director of Quality, Health, Environment, and Safety of the Superintendence of Ports of Rio Grande do Sul (Portos RS), Henrique Ilha, the rector of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Danilo Giroldo, and the president of the Union of Maritime Terminals of Rio Grande (SINTERMAR), Paulo Bertinetti all signed. The technology should be shared with other ports in the state, but initially, it will only be used in Rio Grande.
The implementation of a system like this means it will be possible to make forecasts, get information about ships, and even manage fees. The state-of-the-art equipment that will make up the system will not be purchased, but rather, leased, to make sure it stays updated.
The initiative complies with the Results Agreement, a commitment signed by Portos RS with the state government, through the State Department of Logistics and Transport (SELT). The expectation is that there will still be a public call for the contracting of the service and its implementation should be carried out in the first quarter of 2022.
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