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Rumo licensed to extend railway strech in Mato Grosso

Jun, 14, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202224

On the evening of the 13th, Rumo announced it obtained the installation license required to start the construction of the first 8.6 kilometers of the extension project that will link its railroad to Lucas do Rio Verde in Mato Grosso (MT).

Last month, the executive president of Cosan (parent company of Rumo), Luis Henrique Guimarães, said that the expectation was to build “a few kilometers” of the project this year.

The new railway will depart from Rondonópolis (MT), where Rumo has a terminal that connects with the Malha Paulista rail network, a fundamental corridor for the flow of agribusiness products.

The first section of the railway will connect Rondonópolis to Campo Verde (MT). The railway’s eventual goal will be to reach Lucas do Rio Verde in Mato Grosso’s mid-north.

Source: Money Times

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