concessão da Rumo
Other Logistics

Rumo may build a R$12 billion railroad in Mato Grosso

Jul, 20, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202129

Rumo concessionaire’s project to expand its railway operation in Mato Grosso may be signed this year. On July 19, the state government launched the plan to build a new 713-kilometer network in the region. Valued at R$ 12 billion, the project will be carried out under an authorization regime instead of a concession – that is, without the need for a bid and without the participation of the government.

The public call for the project was released yesterday. The plan is to connect Rondonópolis to the capital Cuiabá and Lucas do Rio Verde, in the north of the state.

Cosan Group’s logistics company Rumo is the main – and probably the only – interested party. The company has already submitted its project, and its president, Beto Abreu, attended the launching ceremony on the 19th at the invitation of the government. Currently, the company operates the railway corridor that connects Rondonópolis (MT) to the Port of Santos – through the federal concessions Malha Norte and Malha Paulista.

Source: Valor Econômico

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