
Sale of Keystone to Tyson Foods receives South Korean approval

Nov, 29, 2018 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201848

Marfrig, a Brazilian beef exporter, has announced it has received approval from South Korea’s antitrust agency to sell its Keystone subsidiary to the US company Tyson Foods. It was the last necessary approval before the agreement could be fulfilled, since the company had already received approval from the US, Japan and China, as well as the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES). Marfrig had announced the sale to Tyson Foods for US$2.4bn in August of this year.

Sources used:

Marfrig obtém aval da Coreia do Sul para venda da Keystone à Tyson

SÃO PAULO – A Marfrig Global Foods, segunda maior produtora de carne bovina do país, anunciou há pouco que o órgão regulador da Coreia do Sul aprovou a venda de sua subsidiária Keystone à americana Tyson Foods. Era o último órgão antitruste que ainda precisava aprovar a transação.
Dessa forma, a empresa brasileira espera que a conclusão do negócio ocorra ainda em 2018, conforme informou em comunicado. A venda da Keystone à Tyson foi anunciada no fim de agosto, por US$ 2,4 bilhões.

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