Ports and Terminals

Santos Brasil studies possibility of offering shares

Aug, 31, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202036

According to Santos Brasil Participações (SBPar), the company is studying the possibility of making a public offering of shares. To this end, the company started engaging with BTG Pactual, Morgan Stanley, XP Investimentos, and Goldman Sachs to provide services to coordinate the potential offer.

Santos Brasil operates five maritime terminals, three of which handle containers, a general cargo terminal, and a vehicle terminal, all with renewable or already renovated leases (Tecon Santos and Tecon Vila do Conde). The company also has Santos Brasil Logística, which provides services through bonded premises, distribution centers, and road transport.

“Based on this portfolio of assets, Santos Brasil believes that its growth strategy can benefit from the potential offer, which may accelerate the consolidation in the Brazilian handling of containers and expand the company’s participation in other non-containerized cargo, as well as the integration of the port logistics chain, including inland services, from the Santos Brasil Logística platform ”, says the statement.

Finally, the company stated that it has not yet defined or approved the effective realization of the offer or its terms and conditions.

Source: Valor Econômico



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