Ports and Terminals

Santos dockers decide whether to strike

Feb, 26, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201910

The Dockworkers Union (Sindestiva) have met today to discuss the possibility of a strike, expected to commence on March 1. This is the day the container terminals at the Port of Santos can start operating with 100% of their own contracted workers. The High Labor Court (TST) recently overruled an earlier injunction requested by Sindestiva to revoke the court’s 2015 decision to allow terminals to use 100% contracted workers.

Sindestiva members met in Rua dos Estivadores, 101 at 9 am. Sindestiva is in favor of hiring free-lance casual workers. DatamarNews will follow up with the outcomes of the discussion in future articles.

According to DatamarNews, Santos container terminals set a new record in container handling last year, crossing the 4m TEU mark for the first time. DataLiner data shows Santos port’s export-import trend in TEU for the last two years:

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