Ports and Terminals

Santos launches ‘Customer and Supplier Portal’ and migrates service requests to virtual environment

Jul, 22, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202129

The website www.portodesantos.com.br has a new functionality: the Customer and Supplier Portal. The new area aims to facilitate the company’s relationships with the market and society. It can be accessed on the company’s home page by pressing the button with the name of the Portal.

The Customer and Supplier Portal is a digital innovation through which all the services provided by the Santos Port Authority (SPA) can be accessed – from requests for assistance at the wharf to financial matters, including Health and Safety, among others.

To access the SPA Customer and Supplier Portal, the interested party must make a brief registration that will generate a login and password. The Digital Protocol, through which users and suppliers forward electronic correspondence to the Company, is also included in the Portal. During a transition period, both buttons (Protocol and Portal) will be visible on the site’s homepage.

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