Santos Port Authority Moves Forward with Auction Plans for STS08 and STS10
Nov, 29, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202344
The auctions for the areas STS08 and STS10, both on the Right Bank of the Port of Santos, are in different stages.
Because no bids were submitted, STS08 was withdrawn from the public auction session to reevaluate the tender. It spans 168,324 square meters and is intended for handling and storing liquid and gaseous bulk, particularly fuels. The Ministry of Ports and Airports estimates a R$ 261 million investment.
According to the Ministry’s note, feasibility studies for STS10 were subjected to a public hearing. Following that, the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) conducted an analysis, and they are now aligned with the Santos Port Authority (APS) for “subsequent project continuation.”
With an area of 601,102 square meters, STS10 is located in the Saboó region and is designated for containerized cargo storage. The Ministry estimates an investment of approximately R$ 3.3 billion.
APS stated in a note that it is conducting studies in collaboration with the National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq) regarding the current demand for containers and bulk liquids at the Port of Santos. This will help define the scopes of the auctions for STS08 and STS10.
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