Ports and Terminals

Santos Port Authority President Explores Underwater Drone Technology in China

Jun, 03, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202423

Anderson Pomini, president of the Santos Port Authority (APS), met with experts in underwater drones produced in Shanghai on June 2, his first day of the mission in China. These drones, already in use for monitoring nautical activities in Chinese estuaries, offer potential applications in environmental inspection and crime suppression.

Pomini got first-hand experience with various advanced technologies deployed in Chinese ports, including drones, satellites, and other monitoring equipment. While environmental inspection falls under APS’s purview, the technologies could also aid Federal Police operations in combating drug trafficking and other crimes.

Chinese manufacturers have implemented a sophisticated monitoring system at the Port of Shanghai, the world’s largest container port, handling over 45 million TEUs annually.

Delegation Activities

The APS delegation will join Brazilian government ministers on an official visit to China, led by Vice President Geraldo Alckmin. The visit, scheduled for June 5-6, will include participation in the VII Plenary Session of the Sino-Brazilian High-Level Coordination and Cooperation Commission (Cosban) in Beijing.

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