Other Logistics

Santos truck drivers go on strike

Nov, 03, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202142

Truck drivers working at the Port of Santos began a strike yesterday in the Alemoa neighborhood in defense of policies and the change in the fuel readjustment system. According to preliminary information, the situation became confusing in the Alemoa district at around 2:00 am on November 1st  when police dispersed protesters.

The truck drivers have already made several demands of the federal government, and now their objective is to get the government’s attention. Their demands include compliance with the minimum floor for road freight, special retirement after 25 years of service, and the end of Petrobras’ import parity pricing policy for fuels.

The successive rises in diesel oil prices are also upsetting truck drivers; they do not agree with the federal government’s plan to offer a monthly aid of R$400.00 to workers.

Source: A Tribuna

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