Ports and Terminals

Sao Francisco do Sul Port Launches Work to Remove Rock the Size of Five Containers

Jan, 06, 2025 Posted by Denise Vilera

Week 202502

Efforts to remove a 370 m³ rock, equivalent in size to five containers, are drawing attention at the Port of São Francisco do Sul, located on the northern coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The undertaking began last week and will be carried out without explosives. It is estimated to cost R$ 12 million.

The massive rock is positioned between berths 101 and 102, where ships dock. Located at a depth of 10.5 meters, it hinders vessel navigation, requiring extra maneuvers to avoid collisions, which results in additional costs.

The rock removal will bring the berth’s depth to 14 meters, eliminating the need for such maneuvers. Náutica Marítima Serviços is executing the project without using explosives.

The process, known as rock dredging, involves fragmenting the rock with underwater hammers and hydraulic breakers while removing the debris with a hydraulic excavator.

Drilling into the rock will continue until the end of January. Afterward, the work will be paused to allow for logistics operations linked to the soybean harvest. The project is expected to resume in October following the harvest.

Source: ND Mais

Click here to read the original article: https://ndmais.com.br/infraestrutura/porto-de-sc-comeca-obra-para-se-livrar-de-rocha-com-tamanho-equivalente-a-cinco-conteineres/

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