Ports and Terminals

São Francisco do Sul Port Set for $37 Million Maintenance Dredging

Sep, 03, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202436

The maintenance dredging of the São Francisco do Sul port complex is set to begin with an investment of R$ 37 million. A total of 1.6 million cubic meters of sediment will be removed. The winning bid for the project was awarded to Jan De Nul do Brasil. Work is expected to commence within 45 days of signing the contract, which is scheduled to happen this week. Meanwhile, a larger dredging project involving the removal of 12 million cubic meters of sediment from the external channel is in the licensing phase and will be carried out in partnership with Porto Itapoá.

The majority of the sediment will be removed from the external channel, with additional dredging in the internal channel and the turning basin, which provides access to berthing areas. “The dredging work is expected to take 60 days after the project starts, but it may be completed in a shorter timeframe, considering the size of the equipment that the winning company will provide,” explained Guilherme Medeiros, the port’s Operations Director.

The Operations Department also noted that the maintenance dredging will restore the minimum depth of 14 meters throughout the length of the channel. “However, not all sections of the channel will need dredging, as many parts naturally exceed the 14-meter depth,” Medeiros added.

Source: NSC Total

Click here to access the original text: https://www.nsctotal.com.br/colunistas/saavedra/dragagem-de-r-37-milhoes-em-porto-de-sc-fica-perto-de-iniciar

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