Ports and Terminals

São Francisco do Sul Port to Implement New Docking Rules Following Delay Complaints

Sep, 05, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202436

Beginning on October 4, the Port of São Francisco do Sul in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, will alter its rules for docking ships. The most significant change is that the order of arrival at the port’s entrance will become the main criterion for docking, as outlined in a new resolution enacted this week. This measure is a response to complaints, particularly from the fertilizer import sector, which has been struggling with delays and extra costs due to the prolonged wait times to dock.

In recent months, fertilizer importers have expressed dissatisfaction with the long wait times, which have affected the timely delivery of essential agricultural inputs. As a result, there have even been requests for a dedicated berth for fertilizer shipments. Simultaneously, the Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina (Fiesc) sent a letter to the National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq), urging that industrial products, such as steel, also be prioritized for unloading, voicing concerns about potential negative impacts on Santa Catarina’s industry.

Please refer to the chart below for a comparison of fertilizer imports registered in São Francisco do Sul between January 2021 and July 2024. The information was derived from DataLiner, Datamar’s maritime data platform.

Fertilizer Imports | S. Francisco do Sul | Jan 2021 – Jul 2024 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

In response to these complaints, the port administration argued that weather conditions, including frequent fog, were major factors contributing to the increased wait times for docking. However, they emphasized that they had been following the priority rule for ships carrying fertilizer. The new regulation aims to streamline the process by adopting a first-come, first-served policy, regardless of the type of cargo. According to Cleverton Vieira, president of the Port of São Francisco do Sul, “simulations show that this change will bring greater efficiency,” and it aligns with international standards.

Another significant change is the increase in cargo capacity during unloading, with the introduction of a larger minimum plank size, which is intended to optimize terminal usage and reduce the operational time of docked ships.

Source: Visor Notícias

Click here to be redirected to the original text: https://visornoticias.com.br/porto-de-sc-altera-normas-de-atracacao-para-evitar-filas-e-agilizar-desembarques/

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