
São Paulo Pilotage & ABAC sign agreement to maintain conditions stable over next 5 years

Jul, 18, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202029

To encourage cabotage navigation, São Paulo Pilotage and the Brazilian Association of Cabotage Shipowners (Abac) signed an agreement in which piloting services and conditions will be in force for five years without adjustments and will only be monetarily corrected. “At this time when the government is promoting and attaching greater importance to coastal shipping and sent the BR do Mar project to Congress, and the Senate itself presented a project led by Senator Kátia Abreu, making this agreement is a way of showing our support ”, said the president of Pilotage, Carlos Alberto de Souza Filho.

Santos Pilotage is the one that serves the largest flow of cabotage vessels in Brazil. According to Souza Filho, the company decided to forgo part of the revenue, with discounts on operations over the prices that were practiced before. “We are making our contribution to this national effort to promote cabotage, especially in this pandemic moment. As it is an agreement signed for five years, it provides greater predictability and legal certainty ”. More than 15 years ago, there was no formal agreement between the Pilotage of Santos and the cabotage shipowners.

Companies that signed the agreement were:

Aliança Navegação e Logística Ltda

Flumar Transp. de Químicos e Gases Ltda

Waterways of Brazil – Cabotagem Ltda

Log-In Group: Log-In Logística Intermodal S.A.; Log-In Navegação Ltda. Log-In Marítima Cabotagem Ltda.

Mercosul-Line Navegação e Logística Ltda

Norsul Group:
• Norsul Navigation Company
• NorsulCargo Navegação S.A.
• Norsulmax Navegação S.A.


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