Secex Country Rankings

SECEX Rankings | January to September 2018

Oct, 22, 2018 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201843

Top Trading Partners Roundup

Brazil’s export revenues fell by 21.2% to US$108.26m in the first nine months of 2018, year-on-year. China continued to be Brazil’s top export destination, although export revenues dropped by 2% to US$36.9m compared to the same period last year. Exports to Spain, Chile, and Turkey held up well, up 2%, 2%, and 18% respectively. Some of the largest drops observed were in the United States, Argentina, Netherlands, Germany, and Japan, at 20%, 31%, 21%, 31%, and 44% respectively. Brazil’s imports were up 18.5% between January and September, at US$97.2m. This was mainly due to China, with imports from the country having grown 28% to US$ 20.4m during that period, YoY. Imports from the US and Germany increased 18% and 12% respectively during the same period, whilst Argentina and Mexico saw a massive 38% and 30% jump in import revenues to Brazil.

Top Commodities Roundup

Revenue generated from oil seeds and oleaginous fruits rose 12% to US$25.2m between January and September, year-on-year. Other significant increases were mineral fuels, oils, waxes and bituminous substances (14%), pulp and other cellulostic material (17%), and residues and waste from food industries (18%). The largest drops in export revenues came from ores, slag and ash, down 51% year-on-year; apart from that, iron and steel (12%), vehicles and parts and accessories thereof (32%), sugar and sugar confectionery (56%), meat and edible meat offal (62%), and coffee, tea maté and spices (41%).

Import revenues rose significantly for the following commodities

  • Mineral fuels, mineral oils, bituminous substances; mineral waxes (20%)·
  • Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; others (14%)·
  • Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-stock, and parts and accessories thereof (41%)·
  • Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; others (13%)·
  • Organic chemicals (22%)·
  • Plastics and articles thereof (12%)·

The largest increased observed with ships, boats, and floating structures (1586%)Revenues fell for the following top 20 commodities:·

  • Beverages, spirits and vinegar (12%)

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