Ports and Terminals

Sediments from São Francisco channel dredging to be used to widen the Itapoá Beach

Dec, 10, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202147

The material dredged from the works to deepen and widen the Babitonga Bay will be used to widen Itapoá Beach. The agreement was signed on December 9 in Itapoá, between the Port of São Francisco do Sul and the local city hall, and will be published in the official state gazette in the next few days.

The 15 million cubic meters removed from the channel accessing the Bay of Babitonga will serve to fatten the entire strip of sand on the edge of the Municipality of Itapoá, which, in recent years, has suffered from maritime erosion.

Budgeted at BRL 215 million, the work will start after authorization from IBAMA, which, since 2015, has been following the project and has received the various environmental impact studies for the undertaking, carried out by the National Institute of Waterway Research and by the Port of São Francisco.

The depth of the access channel to the port complex in the northern region of the state will go from the current 14 meters to 16 meters and will allow the navigation of vessels of up to 366 meters, which require a draft of 14 meters.

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