Senasa to control grain vessels in Argentina
Jul, 19, 2019 Posted by datamarnewsWeek 201930
The government of Argentina published the Resolution 813/2019, in its Official Gazette, which permanently assigned the National Food Safety and Quality Service (Senasa – Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria) the responsibilities to control grain storage and handling in the warehouses and vessels.
Senasa put into operation in 2017 SIG Bodegas, a computer system to improve the control of grain warehouses and vessels, but after this regulation, its function as the controller will be permanent.
The Argentine government has made the decision to improve the pre-loading controls of the warehouses and tanks, according to the equivalent requirements of the export markets for the international transportation of grains.
The resolution indicated that, after the test period, official rejections of remittances abroad were not received due to problems in the warehouses and tanks that compromised the conditions of grains, products and by-products exported.
With the resolution, Senasa is in charge of supervising the verification of warehouses and tanks by the grain controllers and certifiers in its Register, intervening in case of discrepancies.
Senasa stressed that SIG Bodegas promotes the strengthening of the grain storage control system, increasing the guarantees for direct users and the safety of the products transported to the final consumer, through the certifiers registered in the Register of Grain Controllers and Certifiers and accredited export sub-products audited by the agency.
Source: Mundo Marítimo
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