(Cepea) Exportações do agronegócio - Agriculture exports agribusiness balance Balança comercial do agronegócio

September agro export revenue up 36%

Oct, 26, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202141

In September this year, Brazilian agriculture generated US$ 10.1 billion in export revenues, up 21% over the same month in 2020, according to an analysis by CNA (the Brazilian confederation of agriculture and livestock) based on data from the Ministry of Economy.

The monthly surplus (when exports exceed imports) in the trade balance totaled US$ 8.8 billion. From January to September 2021, the sector’s foreign sales totaled US$ 93.6 billion, a growth of 20.6% for freight compared to the same period last year.

The main product on the agenda of Brazilian agribusiness exports in September was soybeans, with a 24.3% share of total shipments and valued at US$ 2.5 billion, an increase of 57.6% over the same period 2020.

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