Ports and Terminals

Severe rainfall closes access to the ports of Itajaí and Navegantes

Dec, 21, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202251

The severe rainfall that hit the coast of Santa Catarina affected the ports of Itajaí and Navegantes. According to local pilotage authorities, the access channel to both ports is currently inaccessible.

The same sources said that at least ten vessels are moored, and three ships are at anchor.

According to Portonave (Port of Navegantes), despite the entrance and exit passageway being closed, the terminal’s operations are functional, and the flow of trucks decreased by 25% from Monday the 19th to Tuesday the 20th, “probably due to the rains.”

Rainfall in Itajaí

The total rainfall in the last few days has exceeded 350 millimeters, and floodings have been recorded in virtually all areas of the city.

Source: ND Mais

To read the full original article, please visit: https://ndmais.com.br/tempo/canal-de-acesso-aos-portos-de-itajai-e-navegantes-sao-fechados-devido-as-chuvas/

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