
Ship collision destroys ferry crossing pier on the coast of SP

Jun, 20, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202125

A cargo ship on the coast of São Paulo collided with a passenger terminal that serves the ferry between Santos and Guarujá this Sunday afternoon, June 20. According to the waterways department, the ferry crossing was held up for about one hour and 20 minutes due to the accident. Nobody was hurt.

According to G1, the accident happened shortly before 2 pm at the bicycle ferry terminal. Apparently out of control, the cargo ship hit the mooring pier and destroyed the structure.

The waterways department reported that a ship hit and damaged the cyclists’ boarding platform on the Guarujá side. Their teams began working at 1:50 pm to resume the operation safely. Service was restored shortly after 3pm.

The causes will be investigated by the port authority which is on its way to the crash site, with the support of the Navy, to investigate the facts. There is still no information on what could have caused the accident.

The vessel Cap San Antonio was flying the Danish flag and was loaded with full containers at the time of the accident. The vessel was moored at the Port of Santos and was destined for the port of Paranaguá (PR).

Sources: G1 and A Tribuna

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