Ports and Terminals

Ship queue at the Port of Santos falls 44% in 2019

Jan, 21, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202004

The line of ships at the Port of Santos fell 44% in 2019 compared to the previous year. According to SPA (Santos Port Authority), previously known as Codesp, this is due to increased efficiency at the Santos berths. According to the agency, the daily average of vessels waiting to enter the port fell from 80 in March to 55 in October. In December, it fell to its lowest level yet, to 45 vessels. The numbers take into account ships that are previously scheduled to berth as well as those that anchor without an appointment.

As the queue fell throughout the year, cargo handling increased. Preliminary figures indicate a 0.7% increase in cumulative data for 2019, up to to 134 million tons, a new historical record for the port.

“We have increased inspection and released public berths for new operations with a view to increasing productivity in the berths and maximizing their use,” says the director of Operations for Santos Port Authority (SPA), Marcelo Ribeiro.

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