
Shipments of pork increase in November

Dec, 06, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201950

Brazilian pork exports (considering all products, both in natura and processed) reached 66,400 tons in November, 13.2% higher than the 58,700 tons shipped in the same period last year, according to the Animal Protein Association (ABPA).

In revenues, November exports totaled US$149.3m, 42.3% more than in the same period of 2018, with US$104.9m.

In the year to date (January to November), pork shipments reached 674,200 tons, a 14.4% increase over the same period last year, with 589,200 tons. In revenue, total sales in 2019 reached US$1.41bn, up 27.9% from the same period of 2018 at US$1.11bn.

“The boost of sales to Asia remains solid in the sector’s exports. In the comparison between November this year and last year, the difference is positive by 117%. At the same time, Hong Kong increased its purchases by 25%,” says Francisco Turra, ABPA’s president.

Poultry – ABPA surveys show that Brazilian poultry exports (considering all products, both in natura and processed) reached 332,000 tons in November, up 3.1% from the same period last year, when 321,900 tons were shipped.

November foreign exchange revenues reached US$537.5m, 2.1% higher than in the eleventh month of 2018, with US$526.7m.

In the year, chicken meat exports increased 2%, with a total of 3.82m tons shipped between January and November 2019, against 3.75m tons in the same period last year.

As a result, foreign exchange revenues reached US$6.36bn, 6.1% higher than in the same period of 2018, with US$5.99bn.

“As with pork sales, Asia’s sanitary situation has also had significant impacts on poultry exports. In November, shipments to China were up 61% from a year earlier. Even with new players in the market, Chinese demand will continue to be one of the engines of next year’s international market,” says Ricardo Santin, ABPA’s CEO.

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