SPA extends deadline for internal railway public consultation
Feb, 14, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202106
Santos Port Authority (SPA) has extended the delivery deadline for public consultation on the new operating model of the Port of Santos Internal Railway (FIPS), a rail system that integrates the port infrastructure. Now the consultation will run until February 27.
A public hearing was held for this online on February 10, due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. The debate, which lasted about four hours, was opened by Diogo Piloni, head of the National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transport (SNPTA).
With an offer of 50 million tons, Porto’s internal railway currently handles approximately 45 million tons. The port’s Development and Zoning Plan (PDZ) foresees an increase of 91% in railway movement until 2040, to 86 million tons per year. To meet this demand, it is estimated that approximately R$ 2 billion will be needed in expansion works such as new branches, a railway pear on the right bank (Santos), a new railway backyard on the left bank (Guarujá), the elimination of level crossings, and the construction of pedestrian walkways in Porto Organizado. The current contract expires in 2025.
The entire hearing was broadcast live and will be available on SPA’s YouTube channel.
The documents for the public consultation may be consulted at:
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