Star auctions Port of Santos, Corsan should not take off in 2022
Jul, 15, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202228
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDS) expects to complete another four privatization processes in 2022: the power plant CEEE-G from Rio Grande do Sul; the urban mobility company CBTU from Minas Gerais; the gas distributor ES Gás and Ceasaminas (food supply).
For Fábio Abrahão, director of Concessions and Privatization of BNDS, the election year should not impact these processes. “These projects are currently at an advanced stage and have passed all internal checkpoints in the Executive and Legislative branches. So, we don’t see interference coming up.”
The federal government’s priority privatization, the Santos Port Authority (SPA), which controls the Port of Santos, is unlikely to be completed on time. “We intend to post the public notice this year so that the auction may take place [in 2023].” “This is an intricate procedure that must be done correctly,” Abrahão explained.
Another process that will be difficult to complete in 2022 is the privatization of Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (Corsan), a public sanitation company from Rio Grande do Sul. The company’s IPO was already suspended by the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (TCE-RS) and was officially canceled on the 14th. However, the state government is trying to make a new model possible by directly selling 100% of the company’s shares.
Source: Valor Econômico
To read the full original article, please go to: https://valor.globo.com/empresas/noticia/2022/07/14/bndes-planeja-privatizacao-de-mais-4-empresas-ate-final-de-2022.ghtml
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