
Study underway to assess privatization of Tapajós and Madeira waterways

Sep, 12, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202037

Dutch consulting firm Royal Haskonings began studies to assess the possibility of privatizing the maintenance and operation of the Tapajós and Madeira waterways. The measure is part of a memorandum of understanding signed between the Ministry of Infrastructure (MInfra) and the World Bank for collaboration in carrying out technical assessments, aiming to improve the efficiency of export logistics and regional development at Arco Norte, mainly in the states of Tocantins, Amazonas, and Pará.

The assessment will define aspects such as international lessons learned, analysis of existing data, regulatory framework, stakeholder capacity, and financial modeling. The work is expected to be completed by February 2021. If the studies prove to be economically favorable for users, investors, and the government, one of the possibilities for the waterways is arranging a partnership with the private sector.

According to data from the National Waterway Transportation Agency (ANTAQ), in 2019, 40.3 million tons were transported on all Brazilian waterways. 10.9 million tons (27%) were transported on the Tapajós River alone, and  9 million tons (22.4%) were transported on the Madeira River, or almost 50% of the total volume handled. Hence the importance of a public-private partnership (PPP) process in the region.

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