Suape solid bulk terminal resumes operations and increases cargo handling
Jun, 23, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202126
The Suape Port solid bulk terminal behind Pier 5 of the berth began operating last weekend after being shut down for two years and three months. The area has 72,000 m2 for the handling and storage of various cargo. “With this resumption, Suape will have an increase in exports and imports, such as sugar in bulk and bags and solid bulk in general, such as fertilizers and soda (white and translucent salt applied in the production of glass, paper, soap, and detergent), coke oil, vegetable bulk, and others”, points out Roberto Gusmão, Suape’s CEO. He reveals that the arrival of the first imported cargo of green petroleum coke through the port marked the resumption of operations at the terminal, temporarily leased by the company M&G São Caetano.
The vessel with an imported cargo of green petroleum coke docked last Sunday and the unloading operation of the 33,000 tons of the product began four hours later and should be completed in 5 or 6 days. The vessel Lipsi, flying under the flag of Malta (a European country), left the Port of Houston, Texas (USA) on June 2nd. The operation follows the environmental guidelines recommended by the port authority, as well as the requirements of the operating license issued by the environmental control agency.
See the DataLiner graph below for the main cargoes handled by the Port of Suape in 2020:
Type of cargo handled at the Port of Suape | Jan to Dec 2020 | WTMT
Graph source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)
Signed on June 16, the transition contract with M&G lasts for six months or until the conclusion of the bidding process for the definitive 35-year lease by ANTAQ (the national waterways transport authority), which should be signed in 2022. Space was offered for lease after Agrovia do Nordeste vacated the area and after authorization was received by SNPTA (the national secretariat of ports and waterway transport). M&G São Caetano participated in the public bid in 2020 and offered the highest price at the event. The terminal has the capacity to handle 500,000-600,000 tons of cargo per year.
Green petroleum coke is used as an energy matrix and can replace coal as a fuel in industries. Cargo is constantly exported via the Port of Suape. The unloading operation, on the other hand, is a novelty and differs from the shipping procedures. The product is removed from the ship using the vessel’s cranes and deposited in the truck bed by means of a hopper (port equipment that has the shape of a funnel). The cargo goes on to be stored at the terminal, located close to the unloading point and this is one of the differentials of the operation.
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