Exportação açúcar e etanol
Sugar and Ethanol

Sugar and ethanol exports fell around 40% in January

Feb, 15, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202207

While overall agribusiness exports increased compared to 2021, sugar and ethanol exports decreased. According to the Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex), agribusiness exports totaled USD 8.8 billion in the first month of the year, falling 10.7% from December. Compared to January 2021, on the other hand, the figures increased 58%.

In the sugar-energy segment, when comparing January/2022 to January/2021, the quantities shipped of ethanol and raw sugar decreased by 43.9% and 37.1%, respectively.

The volume of raw sugar exported was 1,102 million tons vis-a-vis 1,752 million tons in the same period in 2021. Refined sugar dropped from 247,000 tons in 2021 to 246 in the first month of the year.

Prices in dollars increased for the three products: +44.9% for ethanol, +23.8% for raw sugar, and +15.3% for refined sugar.

The volume of ethanol exported in January this year was 85 thousand cubic meters compared to 151 thousand cubic meters in 2021. The price, on the other hand, appreciated, going from US$ 567.4 to US$ 822.22 per ton in January 2022.

Source: Revista RPA News

To read the full original article, please visit: https://revistarpanews.com.br/exportacao-de-acucar-e-etanol-cairam-cerca-de-40-em-janeiro/

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