Sugar and Ethanol

Sugar and molasses exports total 382,160 t in the 1st week of February

Feb, 08, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202206

According to data released on this Monday, February 7, by the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex), Brazil exported 382,160 tonnes of sugar and molasses in the first week of February, earning US$147.85 million.

In the entire month of February 2021 (20 working days), product exports totaled 1.82 million tons and revenue equaled US$ 588.43 million.

According to Secex’s analysis of tons per day averages, sugar and molasses exports from Brazil totaled 95.54 thousand t/day, a decrease of more than 5% from February 2021 (101.35 thousand t/day).

Shipment prices, on the other hand, are up more than 19% this month, with an average value of US$ 386.90 per ton.

Source: Notícias Agrícolas 

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