Suspected “mad cow” disease in MG puts ranchers and meatpackers on red alert
Sep, 01, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202135
The Ministry of Agriculture is investigating a suspected case of “mad cow” disease in Minas Gerais that has put ranchers and meatpackers on alert since August 31. In the futures market for live cattle on B3, prices were falling sharply on the 1st, and the drop may continue until the results of the test requested by the Pasta technical team on the animal are released. The animal has already been slaughtered.
According to Valor Econômico sources, symptoms of the disease were observed in an old cow. The expectation, therefore, is that it will be classified as an atypical case that should not create barriers to the country’s beef exports. The last detection of the gene in the country was in Mato Grosso, in 2019.
In atypical cases, the disease develops spontaneously, and the risk of contamination is minimal. Serious occurrences occur through the ingestion of meat and bone meal, which are prohibited in the feeding of animals in Brazil. There has never been a classic case of “mad cow disease” in the country.
If the disease is confirmed, Brazil will have to communicate it to its trading partners and may voluntarily and temporarily suspend its exports. In the atypical case of 2019, beef exports to China were suspended for about 15 days.
Source: Valor Econômico
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