
Taiwan surpasses Brazil as second-largest destination for Paraguayan beef exports

Aug, 07, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202432

At the end of July, Taiwan solidified its position as the second-largest destination for Paraguayan beef exports, pushing Brazil to third place.

While the export volume to Taiwan had already exceeded that sent to Brazil regarding foreign exchange earnings, the neighboring country continued to be the second-largest market for Paraguayan beef until last May.

However, by the end of July, the Taiwanese market surpassed the Brazilian market both in exported volume and in the value represented in foreign exchange for Paraguayan livestock.

According to the National Animal Health and Quality Service report, from January to July, 20,516,124 kilograms of beef worth $96,678,798 were sent to Taiwan. In contrast, 15,761,131 kilograms, worth $90,295,036, were sent to Brazil.

The Taiwanese market is better positioned because, in the last month, the export volume far exceeded that of shipments made to Brazil. While 2,584,740 kilograms were sent to the neighboring country, 4,510,082 kilograms were sent to the Asian market.

At the end of July, the main destination for Paraguayan beef exports remained the Chilean market, which absorbs approximately 40% of Paraguayan shipments. Israel and the United States completed the ranking of the top five markets.

By the end of the seventh month, Paraguay had sent 192,746,082 kilograms of beef to 54 markets.

Source: Agencia de Información Paraguaya

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