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Taiwan’s MFIG opens a tender to buy up to 65,000 tons of corn

Aug, 30, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202135

On August 30, European market operators stated that Taiwanese company MFIG started an international tender to acquire up to 65,000 tons of corn for animal feed, which may originate in the United States, Brazil, Argentina, or South Africa,

MFIG is seeking around 40,000 to 65,000 tons of yellow corn for delivery in a single shipment.

Operators said that shipping is expected to take place between Nov. 5 and Nov. 24 if the corn is sourced from the US Gulf, Brazil, or Argentina.

If the origin is the North American region of the Pacific Northwest or South Africa, shipments are scheduled between November 20th and December 9th.

Offers are sought with a premium on the March 2022 corn contract negotiated in Chicago.

In its last tender, announced on August 3, the MFIG group purchased around 55,000 tons of maize from South Africa.

Source: Money Times

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