Ports and Terminals

TCP sets national handling record for meats and frozen foods in August

Oct, 04, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202138

TCP (the Paranaguá container terminal) has ended the month of August with the largest movement of refrigerated cargo in its history: 20,709 TEU. The high volume is also the largest volume of refrigerated cargo ever handled by any Brazilian container terminal in a single month. The handling was driven by the chicken meat market which is the main commodity handled by TCP.

Besides Paraguay, TCP serves around 160 slaughterhouses in other states. The amount of food exported in August by the terminal would be enough to supply meat for the entire city of São Paulo for almost three months, calculated using the national consumption average.

Currently, 78% of frozen food exports handled by TCP originate in Paraná, 7% in Mato Grosso do Sul, 6% in Santa Catarina, 5% in São Paulo, and the remaining 4% originate in different states.

Hot market

In August, TCP also set a new record for total handling, with 104,541 thousand TEU. The previous record had been registered in May 2021, when 99,070 TEU were recorded.

Accumulated cargo handling for the year (January to August 2021) is 740,186 TEU, a growth of 14% in relation to the same period of the previous year (646,630 TEU).

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