Ports and Terminals

TCP sets new record in May, driven by reefer cargo

Jun, 24, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202126

TCP, the company that manages the Paranaguá Container Terminal, closed the month of May with a new record in container handling: 99,070 TEU. Refrigerated cargo, such as beef, pork, and chicken were the main drivers, contributing 16,923 TEU.

The terminal attracts producers from the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, and others. This is the case of Seara Alimentos, headquartered in Itajaí-SC, which exported 30,000 tons of frozen products in May such as poultry and pork, which are mainly exported to Japan, China, Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Iraq, South Korea, and elsewhere.

In 2020, the company saw its exports increased by 17%; Osvaldo de Carvalho Filho, Seara’s foreign market logistics manager, attributes this to increased production and better conditions at the Paranaguá Container Terminal for early receipt of refrigerated containers. “The relationship with TCP is a benchmark in Brazil, as the service and agility in decision-making ensure that the company’s cargo will be received and shipped at the right time,” he says.


The volume of 99,070 TEU last May was 17.8% higher than that recorded in the same month in 2020 when 84,088 TEU were handled. From January to May 2021, the Terminal handled 454,519 TEU. Compared to 2020, when the total cargo handled in the period was 398,589 TEU, handling grew by14%.

This is the second historical record of monthly movement achieved by the Terminal in 2021, the previous one having been registered in March, with 95,575 TEUs operated.

According to Thomas Lima, TCP’s Commercial and Institutional Director, the result is mainly due to the growth in the export of refrigerated cargo, which reached 16,923 TEU in the month – the largest movement since July 2020, when 16,907 TEU of refrigerated cargo were handled.

“Meat and frozen foods, especially chicken, were the main products handled in exports and were responsible for TCP’s solid results May. In addition, the import of raw materials is also worth mentioning, especially from the automotive industry, which had a strong recovery”, explains the executive.

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