transporte ferroviário de cargas

TCU Approves Ministry of Transport’s Proposal to Boost Railway Infrastructure

Mar, 21, 2025 Posted by Denise Vilera

Week 202512

On Wednesday morning (19th), the president of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), Vital do Rêgo, signed the admissibility of the consensual resolution process with Vale S.A. during a meeting with Minister Renan Filho and the National Secretary for Railway Transport, Leonardo Ribeiro. The Ministry of Transport submitted the agreement request in January 2025. Also present at the meeting were Jorge Bastos, CEO of Infra S.A., Daniel Stieler, chairman of Vale’s Board of Directors, and executives from the mining company.

This process stage represents an agreement that could enable key logistics solutions for railway infrastructure, such as the Fico–Fiol corridor and the Cariacica-Anchieta branch.

Under the preliminary understanding reached by the federal government, Vale committed to transferring 17 billion BRL to the Union, either as contributions to the Treasury or as cross-investments in other railways. Amid initial negotiations, Vale S.A. made a BRL 4 billion payment related to its asset base in December 2024.

The Ministry of Transport, Vale, and the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) will have 15 days to appoint legal representatives for negotiations within the Secretariat for Consensual Resolution and Conflict Prevention (SecexConsenso) of the TCU. Within 90 days, this Commission must develop a consensual solution to review the concession fees charged to the mining company for the early renewal of the Vitória-Minas Railway (EFVM) and Carajás Railway (EFC) concessions. After that, 15 days is granted for the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the TCU to provide input, and the rapporteur minister has 30 days to present the solution to the plenary.

Source: Informativo dos Portos

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