TCU to release the privatization of the Port of Vitória by December 15

Nov, 25, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202145

TCU (the federal audit court) must publish the notice for the privatization of Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo (CODESA) by December 15. CODESA is responsible for the administration of the Port of Vitória and Barra do Riacho.

The technical area of ​​the court has already forwarded the opinion to the rapporteur, Minister Bruno Dantas, who this Thursday asked for a statement from the public prosecutor, the last step before the process is taken to the plenary.

In the dispatch, Dantas asked prosecutor Julio Marcelo de Oliveira to express himself “with the urgency that the case requires.” The rapporteur’s idea is to take the case to the plenary session on December 8th or 15th, depending on the MP.

The CODESA auction is seen in the market as a preparatory action for the privatization of Companhia Docas de São Paulo (CODESP), responsible for the administration of the Port of Santos.

With the TCU’s approval and the publication of the notice, the government intends to carry out the CODESA auction by April of next year.

Source: Valor Econômico

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