Ports and Terminals

Tecon Rio Grande receives vessels from new regular service to Northern Europe

Apr, 04, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202317

Wilson Sons, the maintainer of Tecon Rio Grande,  is now part of a new service connecting Brazil’s southernmost state Rio Grande do Sul and Northern Europe. Thanks to Maersk’s Samba service, the terminal now offers weekly departures for Europe. The new route replaces the Bossa Nova transfer route, reducing transit time by up to ten days.

“This new direct route overcomes the necessity of transshipment operations involving cargo bound for Northern Europe. In addition to improving transit time, this service counts with larger ships, offering the Rio Grande do Sul market greater space availability for the cargo stored in Tecon Rio Grande and to the Northern Europe trade,” comments Paulo Bertinetti, CEO of Tecon Rio Grande.

Tecon Rio Grande is considered the most automated terminal in the country. It currently has over 3,000 import and export customers; it receives the main lines that call Brazil and offers weekly services to all trades globally thanks to its partnership with 12 shippers.

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