Tecon Santos terminal receives 2nd 347 m vessel in 15 days
Nov, 09, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202245
Tecon Santos, a container terminal managed by Santos Brasil, received the APL Yangshan (CMA CGM) vessel, the second 347-meter-long vessel to dock at the Santos terminal in an interval of 15 days. The container unloading operation began at 2:30 pm and should involve 1,916 units of metallic boxes.
On October 24, Tecon Santos received the CMA CGM Vela, the largest ship to dock on the east coast of South America. With the same size – the equivalent of nine statues of Christ the Redeemer – the Yangshan APL is the second of the New Post Panamax class to dock in the country through the port of Santos and has a capacity of 10,642 TEUs (20 feet equivalent unit).
According to Santos Brasil, the company has been preparing for years to receive this type of vessel, which tends to become more and more frequent. Between 2019 and 2021, the company invested nearly BRL 450 million in the first phase of its Tecon expansion project and became the first company in South America capable of receiving three 366m vessels simultaneously.
Investments totaling R$ 1.5 billion are planned to be completed by 2031, with approximately R$ 500 million destined for the second expansion phase, which includes yard work and the purchase of equipment to increase the terminal’s capacity from 2.4 million TEUs to 2.6 million by 2023, and approximately R$ 600 million by 2031 to increase the terminal’s capacity to 3 million TEUs.
The Singapore-flagged Yangshan APL left the Port of Santos on Wednesday afternoon (9) towards the ports of southern Brazil.
Source: Valor Econômico
To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.informativodosportos.com.br/mais-um-gigante-no-porto-tecon-santos-recebe-segundo-navio-de-347m-em-15-dias/
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