Ports and Terminals

TecPlata to link Port of Santa Fe to Brazil and Asia

Aug, 19, 2021 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202133

TecPlata is collaborating with the Sta. Fe Port Administrative Entity for a new feeder service to connect the Port of Santa Fe to Brazil and Asia.

The Argentine subsidiary of International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI), operating at the Port of La Plata, will receive a minimum of two calls per month using 500 teu barges operated by Newport Management.

Export cargo from the Container and General Cargo Terminal at the Port of Santa Fe will be transported by barge to TecPlata from where it will connect to Log-in Logistica’s existing regional shipping network to Brazil.

Cargo destined for Asia will then be transhipped from the Port of Santos in São Paulo through the service operated by Evergreen.

Source: Container Management

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