TEU by Port (Container Storage)
Port Rankings

TEU by Port DataLiner | Jan to Nov 2018 (Brazil)

Jan, 23, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201904

DataLiner TEU by Port | January to November 2018 (Export)

Brazil’s TEU by port exports improved by 3% to 2.42m TEUs in the first eleven months of 2018, year-on-year. Brazil’s top two container ports – Santos and Paranaguá – saw a 1% and 3% increase in container shipments, to 926,789 and 294,165 TEUs respectively. Moreover, the Port of Itajai saw a 35% increase in exports year-on-year, reaching 104,487 TEU. However, three of the top 5 container ports – Navegantes, Rio Grande, and Itapoá – saw a drop in activities, moving 5%, 3%, and 1% fewer containers to 264,091, 206,515, and 187,758 TEU respectively than in the previous year, whereas Fortaleza registered a significant 228% increase to 21,418 TEU in the same period. 

TEU by Port Brazil - Export | Nov

wdt_ID POMO Name 2017 2018 %diff
1 SANTOS 915.057 926.789 1,3
2 PARANAGUA 286.831 294.165 2,6
3 NAVEGANTES 277.299 264.091 -4,8
4 RIO GRANDE 212.745 206.515 -2,9
5 ITAPOA 189.670 187.758 -1,0
6 ITAJAI 77.268 104.487 35,2
7 SALVADOR 91.918 91.028 -1,0
8 RIO DE JANEIRO 84.659 82.621 -2,4
9 VITORIA 59.202 58.512 -1,2
10 VILA DO CONDE 38.890 46.823 20,4
11 PORTO DE ITAGUAI 30.689 40.560 32,2
12 NATAL 25.038 24.202 -3,3
13 SUAPE 24.774 23.882 -3,6
14 FORTALEZA 6.537 21.418 227,6
15 PECEM 26.647 19.034 -28,6
16 IMBITUBA 4.508 18.409 308,4
17 MANAUS 12.990 15.968 22,9
18 MUNGUBA 1.096 900 -17,9
19 BELEM 133 4 -97,0
20 CANOAS 28 4 -85,7
21 ILHEUS 2 0,0
22 RECIFE 1 0,0
23 TUBARAO 2 -100,0
∑ = 2.365.981 ∑ = 2.427.173

According to DataLiner, Brazil’s TEU by port movements for exports grew only by 2% for the year until September.

DataLiner TEU by Port | January to November 2018 (Import)

Brazilian imports jumped up 9% to 2.12m TEUs between January and November last year, compared with the same time in 2017. Santos imported 9% more containers to reach 892,363 TEUs, whereas at Navegantes, Paranaguá, Itapoá, and Manaus, imports rose 5%, 15%, 8%, and 16% respectively. Most notably, Itajaí’s imports almost doubled, growing by 90% to 56,604 TEUs, year-on-year. The Port of Itajaí saw a massive turnaround in container handling last year. 

TEU by Port Brazil - Import | Nov

wdt_ID POMD Name 2017 2018 %diff
1 SANTOS 821.624 892.363 8,6
2 NAVEGANTES 214.990 225.676 5,0
3 PARANAGUA 195.240 224.459 15,0
4 ITAPOA 127.164 137.516 8,1
5 MANAUS 108.421 125.740 16,0
6 RIO DE JANEIRO 101.863 116.636 14,5
7 SUAPE 79.881 74.704 -6,5
8 RIO GRANDE 67.065 72.744 8,5
9 ITAJAI 29.830 56.604 89,8
10 SALVADOR 54.015 56.498 4,6
11 VITORIA 51.843 55.249 6,6
12 PORTO DE ITAGUAI 52.977 39.681 -25,1
13 PECEM 24.851 27.255 9,7
14 VILA DO CONDE 6.287 6.025 -4,2
15 IMBITUBA 3.967 4.394 10,8
16 FORTALEZA 5.172 3.252 -37,1
17 NATAL 915 1.080 18,0
18 PORTO ALEGRE 6 318 5.200,0
19 RECIFE 5 212 4.140,0
20 BELEM 212 110 -48,1
21 MACEIO 6 0,0
22 MACAE 1 1 0,0
23 ITAQUI 10 -100,0
∑ = 1.946.375 ∑ = 2.120.523


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